Hi, I am ThiagoRossener.
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Welcome to my space, feel at home.

My name is Thiago Rossener Nogueira, I am 35 years old, and I am a front-end developer, philosopher, and spiritualist. Like you, I am a being in evolution.

I consider myself a citizen of the world and an eternal student of life, constantly reflecting on it to find answers to the various obstacles of this journey.

I like to think of myself as "someone on a quest to be Human" because that is quite a lot, and I don't think I've fully arrived there yet.

To truly be human, one must first understand what a Human Being is.

I'm not talking here about the body, emotions, or the human mind. I refer to the Being that observes all aspects of personality but remains hidden, waiting for its chance to step onto life's stage.

When this Being finds space among all the elements that make us up, it begins to ask the necessary questions to open up more space within us: what is death? what is the meaning of life? why am I here? where am I going? and many other profound and fundamental questions to start the process of understanding what it truly means to be Human.

My Story

Born in Taubaté/SP, married, and currently live in Toledo/PR.

Since childhood, life has presented me with challenges to overcome. I was born with a genetic condition in my left leg where my fibula did not develop (for example, I don't have the prominent ankle bone), and there was also a shortening of the femur and tibia. At 17 years old, the difference between my left and right legs was 8cm, and I wore a special shoe with a platform to compensate.

Thanks to the heroic efforts of my parents, who fought and dedicated themselves to finding the best doctors and treatments for this problem, so that I would suffer as little as possible, I underwent surgery every 2 years from the age of 10.

These surgeries were necessary to correct the leg, which grew crooked due to the lack of a bone.

From ages 10 to 17, my life followed a cycle of surgery, cast on the leg, 3 months in a wheelchair, 6 months of physical therapy, and then a break until the next surgery.

This limited me physically, and the only sport I came to enjoy was swimming, spending a lot of time at home and in front of screens, which I believe helped me enter the technology field.

Finally, at 17, and after the growth period, I had the necessary surgeries to permanently correct the problem, gaining 6cm in the left leg. From then on, I had the most normal life possible.

This limitation made me very dependent on others and taught me valuable lessons about generosity, humility, independence, patience, determination, and love.

I am truly grateful to have gone through this.

Life went on, and I could live in some different cities from where I grew up.

I lived in São José dos Campos with dear friends, whom I consider as brothers to this day. I lived in São Paulo capital for a while, but couldn't handle the stress of the city and left as quickly as I could. I returned to live with my parents in Taubaté to open and lift my startup. I started dating my wife and moved to live with her in Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul. Finally, we moved to Toledo, in the west of Paraná, where we got married.

I love to travel and meet people from different cultures than mine because it brings me a new perspective and proves to me that, essentially, we are not so different.

In the last 10 years, I had the opportunity to visit some countries around the world.

In 2014, I left the country for the first time. I backpacked through Europe for a month and visited countries such as Spain, England, the Netherlands, and Germany.

In 2018, I spent three months living on the continent and sleeping at friends' houses in Ireland, the Czech Republic, and Croatia. To conclude this last trip, I fulfilled the dream of attending a Brazil game in the World Cup in Russia, and I was lucky to attend one in which Brazil won!

In 2020, during the pandemic, like everyone else, I was forced to limit my physical space to my home, or rather, my rented apartment. A new change and a new journey began, but this time it was an internal change, and the journey was not to other countries, but within myself.

The turmoil caused by all the elements of personality I mentioned above, the body, emotions, and the mind, opened up some space, and I was able to catch a glimpse of the Real Self, timeless, always present but not always perceived - that sees everything, hears everything, and patiently waits for us to make contact.

This connected me with a series of teachings that I never imagined I would come into contact with, and I immersed myself in it. There is so much to learn - or relearn - that I simply couldn't see my life without engaging with this knowledge.

It was during this period that I discovered Halu Gamashi's channel and began to follow her more closely, as well as many other lightworkers who do their work for free on YouTube. They all brought me important answers and even more questions.

After a while, saturated with scattered and often contradictory information from numerous different sources, I felt the need to plant my feet on the ground and structure this knowledge with more discernment with which I had been relating, and that is present in so many world traditions.

In 2021, I enrolled in the Classical Philosophy Course at New Acropolis in Foz do Iguaçu/PR, where I have been a member ever since. The philosophy course was and continues to be a tool for personal transformation that I never imagined it would be. Through it, I have been able to integrate the teachings within me a bit more and lay the foundations for a real change in thoughts, feelings, and consequently, everyday attitudes.

These ongoing changes allow me to provide better answers to life and relate better to myself, others, and nature, helping me become a better husband, son, friend, professional, citizen – ultimately, a better person.


I love programming and solving problems creatively. I've been doing this since the age of 10 when my father bought a computer without a mouse, and I was able to change the desktop background just using keyboard shortcuts.

At 15, I effectively learned to program and create websites, and I haven't stopped since.

I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Unifesp in São José dos Campos/SP in 2013.

I've worked with numerous technologies over all these years.

In adolescence, I created websites with PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and considered myself a webmaster (a term from that time for a "jack of all trades").

Then came internships, and I had the opportunity to develop various software with C++ and Qt for DeltaLife, then work with large teams on Java projects for Touch Health, and finally, I gathered the courage to venture and start my own startup, Sheeper.

At Sheeper, I had the opportunity to lead developers and also to program extensively with Angular, Objective-C, Swift, and Java for Android.

The company did not succeed, but the experience gained gave me a new enthusiasm to try new things.

In 2017, I started working as a freelancer for SoluCX and helped them in the early stages of the company, working on their Vue platform.

Finally, in 2018, I began freelancing for a U.S.-based studio called Feral, where I worked as a front-end developer on projects involving Django, Ionic, Craft CMS, Gatsby, Next.js, among other frameworks.

These days, I continue to work with them for clients like Preset and JDS Labs, and I am working on parallel projects that should be launched soon.

To see some of the work I've had the opportunity to develop, check out the portfolio page.

I am someone on a quest to be Human.Thiago Rossener
Latest update on April 22, 2024.